Monday, March 8, 2010


We can tell who the kind-hearted, generous chocoholics are because I've had donations of Hershey's Cocoa from Linda at my work and 3 cans from Diane where Aaron works. Thank you both for this generous donation. Linda even threw in a zip lock bag for their travels. We can take a max of about 12 cans and right now between what I have and a couple in PA from church members there is a total of 7 so I could take a couple more. I have also been told the kids love marshmallows so if anyone wants to throw a few packages of those my way I'll gladly take it. I hope we can even toast them when we're there since they do often cook outside on a fire.

And since I'm on the subject of food (like when aren't I?) Arlene who grew up in the Philippines and works for another non-profit agency near ours, last Friday kindly brought me some homemade authentic lumpia (their version of egg rolls). She instructed me on how to cook them because they still needed to be fried. Then later that same day this ambitious woman returned from her lunch hour which I'm assuming she took at home with still warm pancit. Pancit is a rice noodle dish which I've seen in cookbooks and would like to learn how to make. It included chicken, veggies and the most delicious little sausage pieces. I had to call and not only thank her, marvel at how good it all tasted, but inquire about what those little sausages were called and where could I get some. Her response: she knows them as chinese sausages. Arlene now must not only give me the recipe for the pancit but the wrappers the lumpia were in which can only be described as delicate and yummy!! Or at least that was the sound I kept making as I ate them. Thankfully we still have 3 left in the freezer for another time.

Arlene also wants to take me to a local filipino restaurant in the Voorhees area before I go on my trip. She said there is also a market nextdoor so I can get my very own chinese sausages to have and devour.

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