Sunday, November 29, 2009


With the turkey and all the trimmings finished and put away; one way or another, I keep coming back to what I'm thankful for. Other than the usual Aaron, Sammy, family and friends, there is a very special young man, so far away, whom I've never even met and of course it's Sebio. Hard to think or even verbalize my feelings about him and I'm sure his co-children that I will eventually meet and surely come to love. Being an only child I never knew what it was like to have siblings. And having no children of my own it's hard to think about having this special young man in my life and feeling maternal love for him even though I've never even looked into his eyes or heard his voice.

The anticipation of our meeting is at times overwhelming. I did hear from some friends after posting what the blog's name means. And I will admit I'm very nervous about the trip. I didn't mention before but I can't exactly post when the trip is actually scheduled to take place. For security reasons both ours and theirs it's best that some details are not disclosed.

I will however be posting about the preparations that will lead up to this monumental trip. I did get my passport so at least that's a start. I still have shots to get, ouch, not looking forward to that. And I am begging anyone who has ideas, thoughts or sentiments on how to best get through a flight that I've been told is oh, what something like 17 hours long...please send them my way. I have requested a hand-held gaming device for Christmas which I'm sure I can make good use of since I'm a Bejeweled junkie but I'm sure that won't cover "all" those hours.

I have been looking at websites and blogs for Filipino recipes to try. If I happen upon any that are successful I'll be sure to post them. We did find frozen lumpia while shopping at Ft. Dix and tried those. They are the equivelent of egg rolls and not bad. If anyone knows someone with Filipino recipes please send them my way.

So as this Thanksgiving quickly becomes a memory I am thankful to all of you in my life, those who are following along on this journey with me and especially to our boy Sebio who I look forward to meeting someday.

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