Thursday, October 29, 2009

Shout-out and Hint

I normally don't do any posting on here until the weekend but I felt compelled today to write because I'm in amazement at how the blog is shall we say taking off. In case you haven't noticed I added a counter to the bottom of the blog, thanks to my friend and fellow blogger Christine. And if you haven't done so yet, check out her blog its listed here on mine as one that I follow. If you are a foodie its a must. Anyway, not only does the counter allow me to see the number of visits but I can access statistics and even a map to show me just where folks are that are visiting Baby Duck's New World Adventures.

I wanted to share that the blog is being read coast-to-coast. Now I do have some online friends in Calif and TX so I can account for some of those BUT just today it indicated a viewer in Nebraska. I can't think of anyone I know there and it's been viewed in Oregon, again can't think of anyone there. I do know the church in PA did list the blog URL in the church's monthly newsletter and hopefully that and word of mouth are spreading the word about Sebio and his co-children. Next step, international readership.

So I want to give a shout-out to all those across the country, known and unknown, I hope that you are enjoying the blog and will return often. Please feel free to become a follower and/or leave a comment. I'd love for that number of followers to change, its been 10 for too long... we want to see more.

And now, a small hint and challenge about the blog's has to do with: Visayas? If you'd like to take a guess, leave a comment or email me. Sorry there are no prizes or cash rewards for playing along except my gratitude and appreciation for joining me on this journey.

More to come and thanks for reading.


  1. Now I REALLY want to know where the Baby Duck moniker came from...I haven't a clue! How exciting that your readership is growing. I'm not responsible for your Nebraska person, but perhaps they'll speak up. Thanks for letting us know you'd posted early. Looking forward to seeing more soon!

  2. Glad to hear that more people are reading your blog. It's a great story and a wonderful way to make people aware of the significant changes we can each make in someone's lives - even with such a small item as pixie sticks! Kudos to you!
    Fran Wise
