I am happy to report that in the week after my returning from the Philippines we took her to a Vet. and animal hospital that I will ever be grateful to. Dr. Mankowski of the Mt Laurel Animal Hospital diagnosed her as diabetic!! Which during his phone call he sounded excited about, I guess mostly because of how upset and tearful I had been when I brought her in. I figured that appointment might be a final farewell but no....we learned how to give insulin, changed her food and take her readings and I can now report it appears she has actually reversed her diabetes. Which the wise and compassionate Dr. Mankowski said could happen. He just didn't expect it to happen that quickly.
And now on to my next trip post!!
We were greeted on our first full day at God's Town by some early morning rain. And other than that day we had very little during our entire trip. Dragging our still sleepy minds and bodies out of the dormitory Becky and I were officially welcomed by 2 of the older boys, Sebio being one of them. They each
We really started our day by lots of unpacking. There were many hidden treasures among all of our luggage that we had to find a home for, including the infamous ax which was given to Dan who is the asst. director and great role model for the boys who live at God's Town. Another big hit were the ice cube trays Linda had brought. Purie didn't know you could buy them, she thought they only came with newly purchased refrigerators.
Among the things we had brought was believe it or not a big wheel. None of the children there had probably ever seen, let alone ridden one. There were only a couple of children small enough to ride this, even though some of the bigger ones did try. But as with most children's toys; some assembly was required. I
Later in the day there were games for all some we would be familiar with but with a Filipino spin. This included the climbing of a bamboo pole with pesos on
A few lessons I learned as our first full day at God's Town started to come to it's end:
- Regardless of how much (or little) they have here at the God's Town Children's Home they are happy people.
- Unlike many children in the US, these kids share and share alike...this was noted while Becky and I watched M-D and Lovel play with the new big wheel. What we observed was there was no conversation, no fussing or fighting over it. One would ride around the building, come back and they would switch, no muss, no fuss, we were amazed.
- I will never not appreciate running water again...you will hear more about this as the posts go on but think about going thru your daily routines with little or no consistent running water.
Their water problem can be solved with the installation of a water tower. This is now my quest, mission, goal to raise the funds needed so that the God's Town Children's Home can purchase and install a water tower. What might a water tower cost...in US dollars I hope to help raise about $5,000 so the tower, labor and some accompanying concrete work can be completed. If you want to help please contact me.
Next up: Sleeping with lizards and other things that went bump in the night, along with the older boys "big shopping" trip.
* FYI, clicking on pictures, in case you didn't already know, does blow them up bigger!