Sunday, January 3, 2010


I haven't posted in quite some time and not really sure why that is. Maybe it's writer's block, not sure what to talk about or my lack of hearing from Sebio in awhile. Hearing from him helps motivate me to write or gives me ideas of what to talk about.

Of course I could use being busy during the holidays as an excuse but that wouldn't be quite accurate. I was asked by Linda to write the January article about God's Town for The Report, the church's monthly newsletter. That was an honor and much of what I wrote about I've already posted here.

I do want to thank people who gave me some ideas of things to do during the long flight when take my trip to the Philippines. Aaron gave me a Nintendo DS which included one of my favorite childhood games; Space Invaders. It also has very simple things like card games and other mind numbing activities that should help pass the time.

We did have one hitch already regarding our travel plans but that was quickly resolved because it was in the capable hands of Ms Bicky. As she put it when she notified us "The Excitement Begins" but she handled it with easy and patience being on the phone for quite some time with the airline folks.

I imagine my fun now begins since I've got to get moving on getting my shots and wits about me to plan for this trip. Rest assured I'll keep you posted thru every ouch and scream along the way!!

Happy New Year to all and stay tuned, I promise to write more soon.